
Tuesday 29 July 2014

Fluid Gels on Chefsteps!

I have mentioned fluid gels before. This is one of the iconic parts of modernist cuisine and is a great new way of doing sauces and purees. Now there is a great opportunity to learn about this new thing on This is one of my favourite web sites and a great resource for anyone who wants to learn about new ways of cooking and how to optimise food. Just go to

I tried out the beet fluid gel and used it in their blini recipe. Worked out perfectly. I started with 9 beets which I peeled and diced and juiced in my Phillips juicer.
This piece of machinery does a fantastic job at turning vegetables into juice. After adding the balsamic vinegar and the mix of salt, gellan and xantana, I brought it to a boil and chilled it over an ice bath.

This resulted in a nice gel that I then churned in a blender. The resulting fluid gel turned out perfectly.

The blinis did not visually turn out as well as they could because I portioned them in the pan using a spoon in stead of a bottle. I topped them with the beet fluid gel, creme fraiche and trout roe. Quit yummy!

By the way, I had quite a lot of fluid gel left. When we had lunch at the Fat Duck, we had a very nice beet meringue thingy. I put my fluid gel in my spuma bottle, added two cream chargers and made some tops on a sheet of baking paper. These I put in my dehydrator to see if i could make something resembling those. I could not. The nice tops of beet fluid gel had complete flattened by the time they dried, so I ended up with flat turds on paper.

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